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Community Enrichment

UW Microbiology


Leads: Dr. Monica Guo (Microbiology), Dr. Autumn York (Immunology)

Outreach Committee members: Miles Corley (Microbiology), Zeidy Garcia (Microbiology), and Xuhui Zheng (Microbiology)

The Outreach Committee (a collaboration between the Departments of Microbiology and Immunology), was established in 2022 to increase engagement with our local community. A particular focus of the Outreach Subcommittee is to provide access to scientists and research for young people from underrepresented identities and backgrounds. For example, in partnership with the Minds Matter and SPIN Girls organizations, we provide high school students in the greater Seattle area with opportunities to meet and interact with scientists and participate in a range of learning experiences. We are also eager to build meaningful, bi-directional partnerships with groups within the Pacific Northwest. Use the tabs in the left menu to learn more about Outreach Committee Programs.


Upcoming Outreach Committee events:

March 29, 2025           Minds Matter Field Day

April 12, 2025             Minds Matter Career Fair

May 17, 2025              SPIN Girls Field Day

TBD in 2025               Career Fair  


Past Outreach Committee events:

Summer 2024             Coordinate with BRIGHT-UP for summer internships

May 01, 2024              Biotech Career Symposium

April 16, 2024             La Salle High School Field Day

March 30, 2024           SPIN Girls Field Day

February 17, 2024       Minds Matter Field Day

Summer 2023             Coordinate with SSP (now BRIGHT-UP) for summer internships

June 8, 2023                Biotech Career Symposium

April 22, 2023             SPIN Girls Field Day

April 14, 2023             La Salle High School Field Day

Summer 2022             Coordinate with SSP (now BRIGHT-UP) and UW-STAR for summer internships

April 23, 2022             SPIN Girls Field Day

April 04, 2022             Minds Matter Field Day

January 2022               First joint Immuno and Micro Outreach Committee meeting

Summer 2021             Coordinate with UW-STAR for summer internships

April 24, 2021             SPIN Girls Field Day (online)