Microbiology Forms
The following forms provide resources and official documentation for rotations, exams, committee meetings, and lectures for the various activities required for the PhD degree in Microbiology.
Rotation Guide | General Exam Checklist |
Guidelines for 2nd and 3rd year students | Committee Meeting Guidelines |
Topic and General Exam Rubric | Annual Thesis Committee Meeting Report |
Topic Exam Report | Undergraduate Lecture Self-Assessment |
Committee Signature Form for General Examination - GPA prints in MyGrad |
Graduate Program Advisor
Sadie Reitz, MEd
SLU F508 and remote
Office hours: Monday & Friday, 1:00-5:00pm
Request a meeting
See the list of Previous Award Winners
Supports research or research-related travel for graduate students in the UW Department of Microbiology
Stanley Falkow was a Professor of Microbiology at the University of Washington from 1972 until 1981. He is widely recognized as one of the earliest contributors to the use of molecular methods to study bacterial pathogenesis. The Stanley Falkow fund was first established by Dr. Pete Greenberg and later added to by other friends and colleagues of Dr. Falkow. Applications for this award are typically opened in early July with a late August application deadline. Application submission requirements include: a short description of plans, how the award will enhance the applicant's research program, and estimated costs. Only current Microbiology Department Graduate Students are eligible to apply. The Falkow Award Committee will review applications and select a recipient to be announced at the Department of Microbiology Annual Retreat.
Recognize graduate student instructors for excellence in teaching and to support the annual Neal Groman Lecture
This award honors the memory of Dr. Neal Groman who was a Professor of Microbiology at the University of Washington from 1950 until his retirement in 1989. In recognition of his dedication to teaching and scholarship, this award is made annually to . All Microbiology Graduate Students who have been a TA in the last Academic Year are eligible and automatically submitted for consideration. The Award Committee will meet each summer and select a recipient to be announced at the Department of Microbiology Annual Retreat.
Provide financial support to deserving graduate students in the doctoral program of the Department of Microbiology
The Helen Riaboff Whiteley Fellowship was established in 1991 by UW Professor Emeritus Arthur Whiteley (deceased), and her friends to honor her academic and research achievements. Dr. Helen R. Whiteley was a distinguished member of the faculty of the Department of Microbiology in the School of Medicine for almost 40 years.
The Whiteley Award Committee is charged with identifying an outstanding Ph.D. student in microbiology who will graduate in the next academic year. MCB students working in microbiology labs are also eligible to be nominated. The primary selection criterion for this award is the nominee’s research accomplishments. Other factors include participation in and contributions to the Department’s various activities. Faculty mentors, please consider nominating a senior graduate student either in your lab or in another lab for this prestigious award. Submit the nomination and complete packet of supporting materials electronically to the Graduate Program Advisor (microgpa@uw.edu). The recipient will be announced at the Department of Microbiology Annual Retreat.
Nomination Requirements
- A letter stating why you are nominating the student for the Whiteley Fellowship.
- This letter should include a description of their research project, the nominee’s research initiative and independence, the significance of their research accomplishment(s), and a list of publications resulting from the research
- The contributions that the student has made to the department, especially in the area of teaching
- Additional letters of recommendation supporting the nomination
- The nominee’s advisor should select a member of the dissertation committee to write a letter of support. The nominee may also solicit a third letter of support.
- A copy of the student’s CV and reprints of publications
- Student must complete graduate studies by summer quarter of the following academic year
Funding Opportunities
GPSS Diversity Funding: Funds for Registered Student Organizations and Departments working on diversity at the UW Campus.
mim_c Trainee Program: The UW Microbial Interactions & Microbiome Center offers a research award for trainees engaged in microbiome-related research. This program seeks to build community and intellectual support amongst UW trainees through research funding and regular interactions with peers.
Viral Pathogenesis and Evolution Training Grant: This training program links students from various graduate programs who are currently training in virology laboratories in Seattle. The program brings together laboratories at Fred Hutch Cancer Center and the University of Washington with the goal of drawing on the rich history of viral research at these institutions to form a unique training opportunity for Seattle-area graduate students. Funds are available for pre-doctoral trainees interested in viral pathogenesis and evolution research. One or two years of funding is available. The training program will also cover a portion of tuition. The scope of the submitted proposal should include a two-year research plan unless the applicant specifically requests only one year of funding.
Health Sciences Library
The Health Sciences Library, located in the Health Sciences Building, room T334, provides abundant resources to advance scholarship, research, and education. It is a flagship branch of the UW Libraries and the premier health sciences library in the Pacific Northwest. The Health Sciences Library supports the School of Medicine as well as Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health, Social Work, and faculty across Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho. The website provides access to 357 databases, 21000 eJournals, 386000 titles, and 782000 print volumes. Students, staff, and faculty have access to Interlibrary Loan which will scan and deliver articles directly to you at no charge.
Odegaard Writing and Research Center
The Odegaard Writing and Research Center (OWRC) is an interdisciplinary center that offers free writing and research support for UW students, faculty, and staff. Graduate writers can find a range of resources at the OWRC including one-on-one consultations, guides, podcasts, reading lists, workshops, and events. The OWRC is located in Odegaard Undergraduate Library on main campus.
ResearchWorks Digital Depository
The ResearchWorks digital depository is part of the University of Washington Libraries and is where recent dissertations are published by the university. Among the scholarly works stored in the repository are Dissertations and Theses for all subjects, schools, and departments. Recent publications by PhD students may be found in the Microbiology section. This is a great resources for planning and writing dissertations. Physical copies of many Microbiology dissertations may also be found in the Health Sciences Building, room HSK 343A.