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UW Microbiology

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University of Washington Offices and Initiatives

UW Diversity Blueprint Articulates the tri-campus community’s aspirations for becoming a truly inclusive and equitable environment for learning, research, service, and outreach. Diversity and Inclusion seed grants to support projects that address the goals of the Blueprint are available.

UW Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity (OMAD) Mentoring and financial aid, new student orientation services, academic advising, instructional support.

UW’s Diversity Main page Primary webpage at the UW promoting diversity. Includes links to many other diversity-related programs at the UW.

UW Race and Equity Initiative Provides resources and information related to race and equity on campus from across the UW community.

Office of the ADA Coordinator consults and assists members of the University of Washington community with concerns or inquiries regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

The Civil Rights Investigation Office (formerly the The University Complaint Investigation and Resolution Office (UCIRO) and the Title IX Investigation Office (TIXIO)) investigates complaints made about University employees and students that raise concerns relating to civil rights such as protection from discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and sexual misconduct.

Graduate School Student Resources

UW Graduate School’s Diversity and Inclusion Provides weekly updated information about the Graduate School’s diversity efforts.

GSEE Graduate Student Equity & Excellence provides leadership and advocacy to achieve equitable representation, access and success for graduate students of color at the University of Washington.

GPSS Diversity Funding Funds for Registered Student Organizations and Departments working on diversity at the UW Campus.

The AISC: a University of Washington Inter-Tribal organization which exists to promote Native culture, education and Native students’ interests, needs and welfare.

Black Student Commission: provides students of Black/African heritage with a cohesive community at the University of Washington, while creating and maintaining a positive environment with resources for the students to achieve academic success.

La Raza: promotes the empowerment of and education about the diverse intersecting identities within the Latinx/Chicanx community at UW. La Raza’s constituent organizations are UW Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) that work toward the empowerment of Latinx & Chicanx communities.

SARJE: Scientists Advocating for Representation, Justice and Equity is a UW Student RSO with the mission to engage the local scientific community in the work of promoting racial and social justice to improve outcomes for people of color, women, and other marginalized people in science and promote a diverse future for our field.


The UW Campus Food Pantry: No Husky Goes Hungry provides food to students, staff, and faculty who may be experiencing short-term food insecurity.