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Undergraduate Program

UW Microbiology

Medical Laboratory Science Double Degree

The Departments of Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine offer a five-year program by which students may obtain a bachelor’s degree in Medical Laboratory Science and Microbiology. Microbiology Undergraduates who are interested in this program apply to the Department of Laboratory Medicine in the winter of their junior year. 

Students who intend to pursue this option should complete all the MICROBIOLOGY ONLY courses before starting the MLS program.

Those include:

  • MICROM 410
  • MICROM 402
  • MICROM 412
  • MICROM 411 OR MICROM 431
  • PLUS GENOME 361 or 371
  • a small amount of elective credits to reach the total required

Please speak with both departments early on in your career if you plan to pursue this option.

For more information and to apply, please visit this website.