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Undergraduate Program

UW Microbiology

Undergraduate Advising Meeting

To schedule an advising appointment with Josey Overfield, the Microbiology Undergraduate Adviser, please use the link below. 

Please see my scheduling link for Summer 2024 quarter meetings:

Reminder: I am not able to declare anyone to the major until your prerequisite courses are finished and grades are posted for all of them. If you are currently finishing the prerequisites, you can email me or set up an appointment to declare the major after the final grades are posted. 

Also: If you are applying to graduate, you need to have a Graduation Plan ready for when we meet, either send to my email or we can go over it during our appointment, but please have it written out with each quarter and what you plan to take to meet all requirements to graduate. 

AUT 2024 Quarter hours:

Monday: 1:00-3:30 by appointment (Remote only) Zoom link on appointment page when you sign up or pasted below. 

Tuesday-Wednesday: I will be on campus, appointments available from 1:00pm-3:30pm for Zoom or in-person meetings. Appointments can be made through the link below. Walk-in hours in-person from 10:30am-12:00pm. 

Thursday: "Walk-in" Zoom Hours 11am-1pm. Join Zoom anytime during these hours if you want to meet with me. Please know that if I am in a meeting, you will need to wait in the "waiting room" on Zoom and I will add you in once I am finished with my other meeting. These meetings will be 15 minutes or less. 

UPDATE: Week of 5/6-5/10 I will be working remotely.

Zoom Room:

Office Location: Health Sciences Building, K-Wing 343A

Appointment Sign up link:

If you have a question that can be answered over email, please email that to Josey Overfield at


K-Wing map location:!/hsk