Up to $1,000 per year per trainee for travel and/or supplies related to the trainee's research project
Please note mentors will be responsible for the portion of trainee support not covered by the VPETP.
Childcare costs: this award provides childcare support in the amount of $2,500 per each full-time predoctoral or postdoctoral NRSA trainee appointment slot. These funds are restricted for eligible full-time predoctoral NRSA trainees for the use of childcare expenses per NOT-OD-21-177. Please contact microgpa@uw.eduif requesting this type of support from the training grant.
Taxes: the University of Washington does not withhold federal income taxes on fellowships and traineeships. Fellows and trainees will receive an income statement in January on a 1099 from the Payroll Office. Information on “taxability” can be found in the NIH Grants Policy in section