Tristan Jordan
Tristan Jordan
The Jordan lab focuses on the identification, regulation, evolution, and antagonism of antiviral responses across eukaryotic organisms. Currently the lab has two major areas of focus:
A) Understanding how transcription factors and transcriptional machinery regulate the antiviral interferon response in mammalian cells.
B) Characterizing the antiviral systems of amoeba and how their giant viruses overcome these defenses.
The Jordan Lab strives to create a welcoming, supportive environment that believes in promoting rigorous science done by diverse people. While we come to work to do research and study engaging problems, we are all humans at the end of the day and deserve the respect that comes with this.
The Jordan Lab is currently accepting applications for postdoctoral fellows who have an interest in the identification, regulation, and antagonism of antiviral systems across different eukaryotes. An ideal candidate will have a mix of wet lab and computational skills, but the combination is not necessary.