Joshua J. Woodward
Joshua J. Woodward
Dr. Woodward performed his graduate studies in the Department of Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley with Dr. Michael Marletta studying the biochemistry of nitric oxide synthase. As a postdoctoral fellow at University of California, Berkeley with Dr. Daniel Portnoy he studied host detection of Listeria moncytogenes.
Research in the Woodward laboratory is focused on elucidating the interactions of bacterial pathogens with their mammalian hosts. We utilize several genetically tractable human pathogens to define (i) the molecular features that allow access and adaptation of bacteria to the host niche, (ii) the mechanisms by which the infected host senses microbial infection, and (iii) the host response to bacteria on the outcome of infection. We utilize a diverse array of techniques including bacterial genetics, biochemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, cell culture and in vivo models of infection in our studies.